Funny Pain in the Skin of My Thumb

Do I Have Thumb Arthritis

Do you repeatedly hear yourself say "my thumb hurts" because of the pain you feel at the base of your thumb (down by the wrist) when you pinch or grasp something?  If so, you may have CMC joint arthritis, also known as thumb arthritis. There are 3 stages of thumb arthritis, which is one of the most common forms of arthritis.

The good news is – there are things you can do to help ease your pain and lessen the progression of your arthritis. (There are other health conditions that may also cause pain around the base of the thumb, so it's important to discuss your problem with your health care provider.)

3 Stages of Thumb Arthritis

Like any other type of arthritis, CMC joint arthritis or thumb arthritis can be mild or severe and can get in the way of your daily activities.

Thumb arthritis can be broken down into three stages.

Stage 1 of Thumb Arthritis

In the beginning, you may feel a "grabbing" or sharp pain only when you start to use your thumb- such as picking up your coffee cup or pressing down on a remote control button or pen to write. You may find you don't feel as much pain once the activity gets underway- only for the pain to return when you stop doing it. This occasional pain is easy to ignore – but it isn't advisable.

Stage 2 of Thumb Arthritis

As your arthritis progresses, you may feel pain even when you are doing light activities or simply relaxing. You may also experience pain and tenderness when you touch the area around the joint of your thumb. At this point, you may also notice the base of your thumb "sticking out" and looking as though it is a little ledge or step. Now if there were any doubt before that you have CMC arthritis, your thumb is definitely telling you otherwise.

Stage 3 of Thumb Arthritis

In later stages, your thumb may look "crooked". When the middle knuckle of your thumb is bent, and the end joint is hyperextended, it could be what is called a Boutonniere Deformity.

Another "crooked" position is called a Swan Neck deformity. Your middle knuckle is hyperextended and it may be difficult to move your thumb sideways. With time, the skin in the "web" of your hand can shrink, making it impossible to open your thumb away from your palm.

In late stages of thumb arthritis, your may actually feel less pain, but the strange position of your thumb makes it harder to use it and you may lose strength.

Is there anything I can do so I don't end up with Stage 2 or Stage 3 arthritis?

It would be really nice to be able to say – if you take this pill, wear this brace, or do this exercise, your arthritis will not progress or it may even go away. Unfortunately for those with a family history of arthritis or those who just did not win the toss of the coin for long lived, healthy bones- the disease may progress despite the best care.

What you can do however, is learn to use your hands so they are less stressed, use tools/gadgets that help you with your daily activities and wear splints or braces that support your thumb joints.

Even at the very early stages of CMC arthritis, wearing a brace that applies light compression and support, can really help relieve pain and allow for better movement.

I can't wear a hard thumb brace and still do my work. Are there other options?

There are lighter weight, foam lined braces that provide cushioning, support and light compression with only slight restriction in motion- such as the 3pp ThumSling .

3pp thumbsling for thumb arthritis
3pp ThumSling

What if I need more thumb support?

If you need more control, moderate support splints, such as the CMCcare Thumb Brace , Fix Comfort Thumb Brace or the NEW  3pp Prima Thumb Brace

cmccare thumb brace for cmc thumb arthritis
CMCcare Thumb Brace
fix comfort thumb brace best brace for arthritis gamekeepers thumb and skiers thumb
Fix Comfort Thumb Brace
3pp prima thumb brace for cmc thumb arthritis
3pp Prima Thumb Brace

The important thing to know is that you do have options that can help with your pain and reduce stress so you have fewer problems later in life.

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Looking for More Information on Thumb Arthritis Braces?

Click on the image below

oh my arthritis thumb braces

Our blogs are educational in nature and are not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Because your condition is unique to you, it is recommended that you consult with your health care provider before attempting any medical or therapeutic treatments. We are always happy to answer questions about products mentioned in our blogs, however, we cannot provide a diagnosis or medical advice.


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