Susan Vega I Wont Use Words Again

Is Jesus Calling Heresy?

Is Jesus Calling heresy? Find out why I will not finish reading the popular devotional with this Jesus Calling criticism from the view of a women who grew up in a New Age home

I realize that a Jesus Calling criticism won't be taken lightly by many.  But I can't help myself and must speak out.

I'thou 10 days into reading "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young and I keep request myself the question,  is Jesus Calling heresy?

 Information technology's been one of the all-time selling devotionals for the past ten years, and so it has to exist biblical, right?

I tried to become past how Sarah Young speaks as if she is the actual voice of the Lord.    I tried to dismiss the New Historic period nuances and buzzwords,  simply the idea kept flooding my heed that this isn't the Jesus of the Bible.

Not my Jesus.

Growing up in a New Age dwelling consisted of visiting witches, fortune tellers, daily Biorhythm, advice with the expressionless, water witching and going to UFO seminars to watch people share their experience of their abduction.   That'south merely a small part of what I experienced.

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Is Jesus Calling Unbiblical with New Age Teachings?

Is Jesus calling unbiblical with new age teachings?

The umbrella of New Age covers a lot of turf.
In my growing upwardly years, new age 'buzz words' were my daily reality.   Our New Age 'truth' changed depending on our revelation and enlightenment.

In the new age movement, truth is not standard.  It was fluid.  It formed it'south own path equally it weaved information technology's being through our mind.

Truth grew equally it was revealed to the states.

New age truth is fluid.  God'south truth is business firm and steadfast.

40 years later and alarms were still going off.

First off,  I am non an apologist~  permit me say that right now.  I do believe Biblical Truth is necessary for a strong foundation and walk with the Lord.

Dayspring Resources to Grow in Faith

Jesus Calling Problems

I won't exist finishing Jesus Calling for the reasons listed below.

Is Jesus Calling heresy? Find out why I will not finish reading the popular devotional with this Jesus Calling criticism from the view of a women who grew up in a New Age homeSpeaking as the Voice of God

Mean solar day 1.
Sarah Immature is speaking as the voice of God himself.  THE voice of God.  We are humans and with humanity, comes imperfection and miscommunication. The Bible is inspired by God.

As Biblical Christians, and this is very important, there are no further revelations or additions to the discussion of God.

***Sarah Immature urges readers to 'seek My Face with an open listen, knowing that your journey with Me involves being transformed by the renewing of your mind.

The nucleus of the New Age movement was finding truth on the inside of you.  That is the reason why you notice so many types of people claiming special revelation and light.  I would definitely concur with renewing the heed co-ordinate to the Bible, (Romans 12:2)  just nowhere does she mention basing the renewing of your mind from scriptures.  Shall we open our heed to anyone and everything that claims to be from Jesus?

New Revelations and Experiences

Growing up in a New Age abode, I learned to keep my mind open to new revelations and experiences.  How were those truths revealed?  They were revealed by focusing on the lite that was inside me.

The lite that was within me was my righteousness.   I was my own righteousness.

I am positive that New Agers would agree to the fact that they are constantly renewing their minds, only are they renewing their minds co-ordinate to a biblical foundation?

The deplorable truth virtually many cults is that they can concur with 'Christianese' merely they pour unlike meanings into those words.

Sarah Young too mentions to 'Give yourself fully to this adventure of increasing attentiveness to my presence".

Should we try and exist aware of the presence of the Lord?  Absolutely.   He is with us.

Simply the reliance upon usa having an open mind and increasing attentiveness to a presence, not coupled with the give-and-take of God sends up ruddy flags for me.

If we are seeking afterward God's presence without using the Bible equally our foundation then we take made God to be something (and someone) He is not.   We have created our own version of God.

Where I Disagree

January  three.
"Because I am your constant Companion, there should be a lightness to your step that is appreciable to others'.  I believe the peace of God that passes all understanding will go along our hearts and minds through the nigh difficult times of life (Philipians iv:7), but permit'due south become real, nowhere does the Bible mention that in that location should be a lightness in our step that is observable to others.  In that location are Christians in this life who are dealing with persecution.  Other Christians are going through grief due to the loss of loved ones.

My husband nearly died a few years ago, and let me tell you, in that location was no lightness of step during that time.  In that location was no lightness in my step when I almost lost my married man a few years ago.  I won't exist guilted into feeling I am non upwards to a man made standard.  When Paul was released out the window in a basket, fleeing from those who were trying to persecute him, was in that location a lightness in his pace?  I don't think then.

January five.
" Y'all can attain the victorious life through living in deep dependence on Me."

My victory doesn't come from MY living in deep dependence upon Him.   My dependence on the Lord is faulty and I can be fickle in my pursuit of Him. Jesus is my But hope!

My victory comes from realizing WHO the Lord Jesus is and in believing in Him and His truth. My victory isn't dependent upon annihilation I practise.

God Doesn't Need Your Help

Delight don't think you tin reach anything based on your works.  Your victory is through Him.  It's not near US. Information technology'due south most HIM!

January 6.
"Come up to me with positive expectations, knowing that at that place is no limit to what I can reach."

What well-nigh biblical expectations?  My positive expectations have nothing to exercise with my Christian Walk.

"Enquire My Spirit to command your mind so that you can call up great thoughts of Me.  Once again… no reference to what the Bible says of who God is, the Lord Jesus or His Spirit.

We are finite.  God is infinite.  Does it really matter what we think of God?  Shall we trust in our ain thoughts to come up to the conclusion of who God is?

Day 10.
"Every time you lot affirm your trust in me, yous put a coin into My treasury.  Thus y'all build up equity in training for the days of trouble."   I find comparison God to a bank account very troubling.  How dare nosotros put God in our box of humanity and make Him human action like a human.  God is much bigger than our humanity.  Maxim otherwise is shameful.    My equity is the blood of Christ.  No more than.  No less.

This likewise reminds me of Johann Tetzel who sold indulgences proclaiming,

"As soon as a coin in the coffer rings / the soul from purgatory springs."

God never said, "If you lot trust in me, you are building upwardly disinterestedness in for days of trouble" in His word."

Hints of Astral Projection

"Hope is a gilded cord connecting you to heaven. This string helps you hold your head up high, even when multiple trials are buffeting you."

When I was taught virtually Astral Projection as a child, I was told that when I projected I was connected to a gilt cord.  I was warned to stay within the limits of my golden cord and that if I went past the limit of that aureate cord, I would die.

New Age philosophy cannot taint my devotion and worship.  I don't want to dwell on teachings that are heretical. Jesus saved me from the strongholds of the New Age.

But here's the kicker:

An interview with Sarah Young that sets off red flags can exist found hither. It really is eye opening and a must read.

The intereviewer asks Sarah Immature how she learned to dialogue with God.

Her response is quite alarming:

My journey began with a devotional volume (God Calling) written in the 1930's by two women who adept waiting in God'southward Presence, writing the messages they received as they "listened." About a year after I started reading this book, I began to wonder if I besides could receive letters during my times of communing with God. I had been writing in prayer journals for years, but this was one-way communication: "monologue." I knew that God communicates through the Bible (and I treasure His Word), but I wondered what He might say to me personally on a given day. So I decided to "listen" to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever I sensed He was proverb. Of course, I wasn't listening for an audible voice; I was seeking the "nonetheless, small voice" of God in my mind/heart.

Friends, don't be deceived by this. There are multiple things incorrect with the above argument.

  • Sarah was influenced by two women who listened to God's vox through messages received through god. This sounds a lot like automatic writing to me.
  • Sarah realizes that God does communicate to his children through His give-and-take but was looking for More than in wondering if she could receive personal messages from God personally on any given 24-hour interval. The fact that she uses the word but says that the word of God isn't enough and that she needs more authority than God himself.


I feel the need to mention 1 more very important affair.  The Jesus Calling book that yous take is (most likely) Non the originally published volume.   The current, more than mainstream version, has removed many new age references.

Jesus Calling is not the same published book that it was in the original version.  Why did Thomas Nelson feel the need to alter the original if it wasn't up to snuff bibically?

Even though the new age nuances are still in the current version, (that is the one I started reading) my question to any follower of Christ is this, Why would you want to base your daily devotions to Jesus on a volume and writer who has new age tendencies and leanings?

Jesus spoke these words that are very fitting:

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise homo, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it savage non: for it was founded upon a stone. And every 1 that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them non, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and information technology savage: and great was the fall of it.

Matthew 7:24-27

Are you willing to risk the firm foundation of your eternal destiny upon one that is built on sand?

Truth does not waver- My Prayer for you

As Christians, we are to desire the sincere milk of the word.  Pure unadulterated milk comes from the discussion of God.

Lies mixed in with the truth is still a lie.

My prayer is that these words accept spoken to your centre.  Information technology's  important to cling to biblical truth in our journey with Him and not a secondary source with error.   If you do a google search you'll find lots more information on this subject such as  Steak and a Bible and Tim Challies.

I urge you to click over to all the external Jesus Calling links within this web log mail service.

Volition you continue to read Jesus calling in your personal devotions?
Practise you have any alternate devotions that you would  recommend to someone?

For me, the best interpreter of the Bible, is the Bible itself.
I would recommend aStrong's Greek and Hebrew Concordance and simply digging into the Living Word of God contextually.

Hey Artistic Sister! Cheque out these Devotional Resources!

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